SQLiteManager addon
July 26, 2017 —
SQLiteManager is a database manager addon for Mozilla browsers, such as SeaMonkey and Firefox.
I found the latest source on github:
What prompted me to look at this, is this forum post by musher0, about sqlit3 mime-type:
I downloaded the source and ran the build script, which created 'sqlitemanager-' and 'sqlitemanager-'. The former only has en_US. I chose to use the latter, with all languages, though the size is 251KB compared with 115KB.
I have created a PET (229KB):
Note that the .xpi file had to be renamed to 'SQLiteManager@mrinalkant.blogspot.com.xpi' for SM to recognise it.
After installation, there will be an entry in the Business category of the menu, to launch it standalone.
Have also added SQLite3 mime handling for ROX-Filer, so click on a database file, will launch SQLiteManager.Also displays a nice icon.
Tags: linux