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Descendents of PPLOG

August 20, 2017 — BarryK
This blog that you are looking at now, is a special version of 'pe_pplog', that was created when my blog was under attack. That was back in 2013/2014.

Puppy forum member 'efiabruni' is the developer of pe_pplog, and here is where she has kept my special version:

Efia has her blog running here:

A couple of days ago, I downloaded her latest version from github, but found that posts failed. The hint as to why is a bugfix reported in her last post, which appears to have repcussions -- I suspect the latest change has not been actually tested.

Yesterday, I sent an email to Efia, no reply yet. I did have a go at fixing it myself, but having zero knowledge of perl doesn't help.

So, are there any other descendents of PPLOG. There was sc0ttman's JSPPLOG, but I found his website is gone.

However, 01micko has created 'sjpplog_ng':

You can see this blog in action here:

Here is a forum thread on pe_pplog, back in 2013:

Tags: linux