HelpSurfer 0.2
August 03, 2017 —
HelpSurfer is at version 0.2.
Forum member SFR posted a patch for Surfer, see my blog post yesterday:
Hey, it is like I am a little kid again, on Christmas morning!

I put in another request, for a "Quit" icon in Surfer, and SFR posted another patch:
Here is the latest source, with both patches applied:
And a 64-bit PET, compiled in Easy (built with Ubuntu 16.04.2 Xenial Xerus DEBs):
Yes, Easy, I am excited like a little kid about that too, 'coz it is coming along very well. For those who don't know, Easy is the "next generation" after Quirky Linux.
One little detail, if you want to try HelpSurfer.There is no menu entry, as it is a utility app that is intended to be invoked by other apps. If you want to try it, it requires the full path on the commandline, a relative path won't work.
For example:
# surfer /usr/share/doc/home.htm
The PET has dependencies:
gnet, libSystem, libgtkhtml
You can find them here:
...but your pup might already have them
Tags: linux