Old blog hyperlinks fixed
I posted recently that I have imported my old blogs into shellCMS:
A problem though, it was full of hyperlinks to earlier posts in the blogs, in the form of "http://puppylinux.com/blog/?viewdetailed=01234" and in some cases to bkhome.org.
Also, perhaps odd, but PPLOG stores hyperlinks in the posts as normal html <a> tags, but in comments as [url] bbcode tags.
Google has spidered my site, and it has picked up all of these broken links as valid, some of them anyway. http://bkhome.org/news/?viewdetailed=00123 for example, actually goes to bkhome.org/news, so is technically not a broken link.
I spent all day today, writing a script to fix all those old links, so they now point to the correct page in the new archived blog.
There are still broken links in bkhome.org/news, as I had imported my previous blog (at barryk.org/news) into it. Intend to fix that next.
Modified the script a little bit, and applied it to the blog you
are reading now. Fixed all of those links.
Tags: admin