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Contact page with donate button

October 28, 2017 — BarryK

I have jazzed-up the contact form a bit. Put it in an iframe tag.

Also added a PayPal donation button:

If you make a donation, send me a message afterward, via the contact-form, or post to the Puppy Forum. I will be posting to the "Pyro64" thread soon, so monitoring it:

As Pyro64 is built from packages compiled from source, the repository is small, so I will welcome any suggestions.What package would you like to see added to the repo?

These are the packages that were compiled in OpenEmbedded:

Packages that I will compile later, in a running Pyro64, will be PETs, and will end up online also, but I haven't yet decided where.

Both lots, those compiled in OE and the PETs, will be installable via the PKGget Package Manager.

Tags: admin