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OE recompile, SM 2.49.1, kernel 4.14.1

November 23, 2017 — BarryK

I mentioned recently that some library packages compiled in OpenEmbedded were too old. I ended up only bumping 'icu', 'nss' and 'nspr', to versions 58.2, 3.31.1 and 4.16. Then did a complete rebuild in OE.

Built Pyro64 0.5.2, and compiled SeaMonkey 2.49.1, this time using the system icu, nss and nspr, making the package considerably smaller. The PET is here:

I also compiled the 4.14.1 kernel, and was most surprised when "make modules_install" did not create /lib/firmware. A quick google, and it seems the firmware is no longer in the kernel source tree.

I didn't know how to respond to this situation, but decided to take the /lib/firmware from the compile of kernel 4.13.11, for inclusion in the kernel PET. The PET is here:

The source, patches, and build scripts are here:

Tags: oe, quirky