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glib 1.2.10 compiled in OpenEmbedded

December 12, 2018 — BarryK

Compiled in 'oe-qky-src' that is, my fork of OpenEmbedded. I have an aim to be able to compile and run gtk+ 1.2.10 applications in EasyOS. For that, it is necessary to compile glib 1.2.10, gtk+ 1.2.10 and gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0.

These are ancient packages, released back around 2001 - 2002. Not surprisingly, there are some issues when compiling them now. I found some patches, from Arch Linux and the T2-project, and was able to compile in a x86_64 host system. Cross-compiling in OE, though, is a challenge.

So far have only done glib. There are some very old patches for compiling glib 1.2.10 in the archived "classical" OE, which were helpful.

It was a struggle, took several hours today, but finally worked:

Fixing the old autotools, etc., was achieved by hacks. 'ltconfig' insisted that it could not create shared libs, was able to override.

Next up, gtk+ 1.2.10 ... 

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