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Quirky Linux now officially retired

December 17, 2018 — BarryK

I have sent an email to jesse Smith at, informing him that Quirky Linux is now a discontinued project.

The Quirky Linux homepage now has an announcement:

Which states this:

From December 16, 2018, Quirky Linux is a discontinued project.
Documentation and downloads may still be available, but not guaranteed indefinitely.

The download host will remain up indefinitely, but I cannot guarantee how long. It does host some Puppy-stuff as well, such as Wary Puppy and Racy Puppy, and there is still some interest in those.

Quirky started, um, about 2013, so has lasted almost 6 years. It was an experimental distro, un-Puppy-like in that it was originally designed for full-install only. Though, live-CD and frugal install came later. 

Tags: quirky