Iceape-UXP an alternative to SeaMonkey
I received an email from Luke, advising me of Iceape-UXP, an
alternative browser suite, that does not require Rust to compile.
Quoting from his email:
I was reading your blog the last several days for minimalist inspiration
and noticed you disliked Rust as a dependency as well. There is an
alternative with UXP:
Iceape-UXP has no rust dependency, we maintain it here:
I got the latest Iceape and Icedove from the git repository, as well as
the recommended thunderbird source, and had a go at compiling Icedove.
It requires python2 and I used the same PET of python2 that I had used
to compile SM. Unfortunately, got a python error when compiling Icedove,
and as it was late at night, left it at that. I was running the EasyOS
Dunfell build.
Might take another look sometime, perhaps try on EasyOS 2.4.1, the
Buster series, which already has python2. Nice to know that we do have a
Tags: linux