Vanilla Dpup and Upup progress
I have posted before that Dima (dimkr) and Mick (01micko) are developing the "testing" branch of woof-CE. In March 2021, I reported on Dima's work on a Puppy without an initrd, using "frugalify":
They have also been developing a more traditional next-generation
Puppy, pre-fixed "Vanilla-"; currently there is Vanilla-Upup and
Vanilla-Dpup, based on Ubuntu and Debian packages respectively.
These have an initrd.
I decided it is time to have a look how these Vanilla-* pups are coming along. Downloaded Vanilla Dpup 9.2.0 from here:
Forum thread:
And downloaded Vanilla Upup 22.04.39 from here:
Forum thread:
Only did a quick play with each. Impression was, everything I tried worked. Very smooth, nice UIs, easy connection to my wi-fi. Overall: impressed.
Ha ha, I don't use optical media anymore, but for these took a
trip down memory lane, burnt the iso's to CD's and booted them. In
the case of Dpup, it took almost 2 minutes (117 seconds) to copy
the sfs's to RAM. That would have been a few seconds off a
USB-stick. So, reminded how clunky and slow CD's are.
One of the reasons that I have looked at these, is I wanted to see if the Puppy traditional PPM package manager and apt & Synaptic "talk" to each other. They are all installed.
Using Synaptic, I installed Scribus, that went smoothly. But the
installed packages did not show up in the PPM. So the answer is
"no", they don't talk to each other.
I am getting interested in installing apt and maybe Synaptic in Easy Bookworm, but only if can get it to talk with the PPM.
Just an observation: in my brief experience with installing
Scribus, Synaptic did not bring anything superior compared to
doing it with the PPM. I tested installing Scribus in Easy
Bookworm 0.4, with Easy's own PPM, and it went smoothly, and
Scribus worked. Just an observation.
Tags: linux