ibiblio.org quirky repository cleaned out
I warned about this on the forum, about 5 months ago:
It hosted some old pups, especially Wary and Racy, and Quirky Linux. The repository is mentioned in various posts on the forum, such as this in 2021:
Here is the quirky repo:
The site is now home for "Quirky Void", also known as "Quantum
Vis", or just "QV". The ibiblio site will have releases and PET
The woof build system for QV is on github:
A technical detail about mirroring from ibiblio.org, including puppylinux, easyos, quirky and fatdog; the server name has changed. Only in the last month. It used to be:
rsync distro.ibiblio.org::quirky
Now requires:
rsync rsync.ibiblio.org::quirky
I see that NLUUG still has the old stuff:
I sent an email to my contact at NLUUG informing about the change
for easyos, and that got fixed, but quirky hasn't yet -- will have
to send an email about that also. Will do that soon; grab anything
off there if you want.
Tags: quirky