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Partition resize fixed

July 28, 2017 — BarryK
At first bootup from a USB stick, full installation, the QuickSetup window has a checkbox asking if want to resize the partition to fill the drive. This is for the situation where the nominal "8GB" image was written to a bigger drive.

Or rather, it is supposed to ask. In 8.2, the checkbox is missing. Which, it turns out, is a good thing, as resizing is broken.

It came about from a 12th-hour fix that I did before releasing 8.2. Fixed one thing, broke another.

Now have the checkbox appearing, testing with a 16GB stick. Also fixed the scripts in the "easyinit" ramdisk, so resizing now works.

Looking back over development since 8.2 was released, only 8 days ago, it has been very intense, so the next release should be much more than a "bug fix" release. Reckon will make it 8.3, with an RC before that.


XkbConfigManager fixes, plus more

July 28, 2017 — BarryK
Some quick notes about latest fixes.

The Advanced Xorg Keyboard Manager is broken. Non-US selections were staying stuck on US layout.
I think it is now fixed. It used to be that keyboard layout rules were in /etc/X11/kbd, with /usr/share/X11/kbd a symlink to there. However, a change occurred in recent builds of Quirky, with /etc/X11/kbd an empty folder, with the rules only in /usr/share//X11/kbd -- this breaks XkbConfigManager.
Now fixed.

Various other fixes:
Removed F12 key binding in JWM.
Improved messages when creating a boot-CD.

Tags: quirky, linux

Pschedule overhauled

July 27, 2017 — BarryK
Puppy forum member zigbert has created lots of apps for Puppy, some of which are in Quirky. For example, Pburn, Pmusic and Pschedule.

Pschedule forum thread:

There have been reports, every now and again, about Pschedule not working correctly, but it never got resolved, not as far as I know.
Most-recent discussion is here:

I have taken another look at Pschedule, and redesigned it to use /etc/init.d/80-crond, rather than /root/.config/autostart.
80-crond comes from jamesbond, and I modified it to suit busybox crond and Pschedule.

Here is the PET (7KB):

Note also, radky has upgraded PupSysInfo, now version 2.7.2 (39KB):


MRUF-lst recently-used files

July 26, 2017 — BarryK
Forum member musher0 has developed a very interesting app to show recently-user files and directories, and launch them.

Forum thread:

musher0 posted a PET without the binary executables, as they are in Quirky 8.2.

Great work. I took the liberty of massaging the PET a little bit. I wasn't happy that there are configuration files in /usr/local/bin, so I applied the simplest fix, moved all of /usr/local into /usr/local/MRUF-lst, and edited the scripts.
That's just my preference.

Also fixed where 'dirname' was outputing an error message that operand missing.
Changed and pet.specs slightly.

Here it is (105K):

This will be in the next release of Quirky, for testing.

Tags: quirky, linux

Planning for Quirky Xerus 8.2.1

July 26, 2017 — BarryK
Feedback for 8.2 is continuing to pour in:

I am getting so much help, bug reports, fixes, improvements, it is looking like 8.2.1 is going to be much more than just a "bug fix" release.

I will have to draw the line, probably whatever appears in the forum thread tonight. Then tomorrow will implement some of the latest fixes and enhancements.

Then maybe, 8.2.1 in a couple of days.

The thing is though, I also want to work on Easy Linux, my radical fork of Quirky. The previous release of Easy was built with packages compiled in OpenEmbedded, which has the great advantage of less bloat.

However, this time I am thinking will build Easy from the same Ubuntu Xerus 16.04.2 DEBs as used in Quirky 8.2.
This is the easiest approach, as all the work done on 8.2 will carry into Easy. Just have to live with a much bigger 'q.sfs' file.

Roughly, you have to multiply the size of 'q.sfs' by 1.5, going from OE 'Pyro' to Ubuntu Xerus packages.
So, for example, 300MB would become 450MB.

Tags: quirky, linux

SQLite Manager addon for SeaMonkey

July 26, 2017 — BarryK
And Firefox!

Forum member musher0 posted about SQLite-Manager, and mime-handling for sqlite3 files:

I hunted around, found that the developer of SQLite-Manager is now on github:

And frontpage:

It has commits only 25 days ago.

I'm thinking of making it into a pet, for inclusion in next Quirky.

Tags: quirky, linux

Fontwizard improved

July 25, 2017 — BarryK
Fontwizard version 0.0.1 was released by 01micko in January 2013. This is a GUI app for enhancing fonts for LCD screens.

It has languished since then. I can't find where 01micko originally announced it, and there don't seem to have been any later versions.

There are some issues with fonts in Quirky Xerus 8.2, that we are discussing in the forum.

Forum member radky is the creator of some great apps that are in Quirky. The latest addition is JWMDesk, and using it has lead to the fonts discussion.

Here is a post by radky:

This is excellent. I have put this new script, 'fontwizard' into the PET, and updated the version from 0.0.1-1 to 0.0.2 (2KB):

Tags: quirky, linux

pEqualizer fixed, maybe

July 24, 2017 — BarryK
pEqualizer is a GUI equalizer created by 01micko and zigbert, that can run standalone and is also used by Pmusic.
Forum thread:

Quirky 8.2 has version 0.9.0, which we have found to be broken:

I searched online and found, which has a bugfix so it will work in Slacko. However, still broken for Debian/Ubuntu.

I have fixed pEqualizer and bumped the version to 1.0.1 (5KB):

Note to users of Quirky 8.2, you will need to install 'caps' and 'libasound2-plugin-equal' DEBs from the Package Manager.

I am still not sure if it is working, there may be a problem with using the utility 'amixer', that pEqualizer calls.

Tags: quirky, linux