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ntfs-3g driver in initramfs

July 17, 2017 — BarryK
The guys on the Puppy Forum are testing Quirky 8.1.94, most recently an issue with ntfs:

There is something strange going on here. The Linux kernel has the ntfs driver builtin, and configured to allow writes when ntfs partitions are mounted.

Except that we can't. Get an error when try to write. It used to work, something has changed.

Anyway, writing to an ntfs filesystem is supposed to be less reliable using the kernel driver, and ntfs-3g fuse-based driver is preferred.

I didn't have ntfs-3g in the initramfs as compiled statically it is about 410KB. Have now put it in and modified the 'init' script to use it.

This is a good thing, as writing to ntfs filesystems will now be more reliable. Though, it may be possible to avoid writing from the initramfs, and remount with ntfs-3g when running in the main Quirky f.s.

The downside of ntfs-3g is that being fuse-based, it is slow.

Tags: quirky, linux

JWMDesk 2.3

July 17, 2017 — BarryK
Forum member radky has created JWMDesk, a very comprehensive GUI desktop manager, for configuring JWM and many other things:

It overlaps configuration tools already in Quirky, however has the advantage of being an integrated manager.

So, I have decided to give it a go in Quirky. The latest version is 2.3, and I have created a PET named ''. The "-1" is because I have made a couple of changes -- I removed the '' file, and created /usr/local/jwmdesk/window_width with "510" in it.

The problem with is that it has absolute paths in it, so not suitable for woof* builder. Also, I scanned through it, and I couldn't see anything that is really required. Admittedly, my look was brief, but a quick check (also brief), it seems to work without having run

JWMDesk will be in the next Quirky.


UrxvtControl 1.3

July 17, 2017 — BarryK
Ha ha, I was lamenting the proliferation of GUI popup message box utilities in Quirky:

I have now removed one of them: 'yad'.

It is only required by 'urxvtset', a urxvt terminal emulator configuration utility:

However, I have removed urxvtset, replaced it with radky's UrxvtControl 1.3:

Tags: quirky, linux

PupSysInfo 2.7

July 17, 2017 — BarryK
Puppy forum member radky created PupSysInfo, a very detailed system information GUI app for Puppy.

Quirky has version 2.6.3, however radky has released 2.7:

I have upgraded the PET for Quirky.

Note, Quirky also has HardInfo, which is written in C and requires GTK.

They are similar, but PupSysInfo is specifically designed for Puppy (and Puppy-derivatives), so provides more Puppy-specific information.

Tags: quirky, linux

PeasyPort 2.2

July 17, 2017 — BarryK
Puppy Forum member rcrsn51 created the "peasy" series of apps for Puppy.

Quirky has many of them, including PeasyPort, a network scanner. Quirky has version 2.0, but rcrsn51 has now released version 2.2:

I have created a PET, named '' and updated Quirky.

Note, rcrsn51's PET has two binary executables, 'pnscan' and 'arp-scan', but Quirky already has those, so I have repackaged the PET without them.

Tags: quirky, linux

aemenu-pango, replaceit

July 16, 2017 — BarryK
These are a couple more binary utilities used by musher0 in his recently-used-files PET. I have decided to put these utilities into Quirky. I already posted about 'bcm' yesterday:

This is the aemenu utility from the wewm project, modified by vovchik to support pango markup of text:

I have compiled it in Quirky Xerus 8.1.94 and created a PET. The binary will be at /usr/bin/aemenu-pango

This is a simple text file string replacement utility:

I have compiled it and created a PET. The binary will be at /usr/bin/replaceit.

Tags: quirky, linux

Live-CD ask save at shutdown

July 16, 2017 — BarryK
When Quirky Xerus is booted from CD, or a frugal installation, there is a "save" icon on the desktop, for saving the session to internal or external drive.

The save window has a checkbox, which if ticked, will bring up the save window at every shutdown. This defaults to unticked, as I was thinking of users who might only want to save a session occasionally.

However, one tester reported having lost some work, setting up a theme. He forgot to save. Hmmm, this is because he has a Puppy Linux background, where a window pops up at shutdown asking if want to save the session.

In deference to those with a Puppy Linux background, I have changed the default to ask at shutdown.
So now, even if you have never clicked the desktop "save" icon, you will be asked at shutdown. Every shutdown, but you can untick the checkbox if you don't want to be asked at every shutdown.

Tags: quirky, linux

bcm popup messages

July 16, 2017 — BarryK
BaCon Cairo Messenger (bcm) is a popup message box for shell scripts, written by forum member vovchik.

Oh dear, not another one! I am losing count of how many there are already in Quirky. Well, we have these:

pupmessage, xdialog, gxmessage, xmessage, popup, gtkdialog, yad, pupdialog, gtkdialog-splash

So, why not have one more!

I was reading about MRUF created by musher0, a PET to list most-recently-used files. His PET has three binary executables, so I thought why not put those binaries into Quirky.

Starting with bcm. This is a very pretty popup messenger thingy, written in BaCon. Vovchik posted about it here:

I have compiled it and created a PET. It will be in the next Quirky. It is /usr/bin/bcm, only 39KB. I also included the source in the PET, /usr/share/doc/bcm/bcm.bac and a help file, bcm.txt.

Tags: quirky, linux