SQLite Manager addon for SeaMonkey
July 26, 2017 —
And Firefox!
Forum member musher0 posted about SQLite-Manager, and mime-handling for sqlite3 files:
I hunted around, found that the developer of SQLite-Manager is now on github:
And frontpage:
It has commits only 25 days ago.
I'm thinking of making it into a pet, for inclusion in next Quirky.
Fontwizard improved
July 25, 2017 —
Fontwizard version 0.0.1 was released by 01micko in January 2013. This is a GUI app for enhancing fonts for LCD screens.
It has languished since then. I can't find where 01micko originally announced it, and there don't seem to have been any later versions.
There are some issues with fonts in Quirky Xerus 8.2, that we are discussing in the forum.
Forum member radky is the creator of some great apps that are in Quirky. The latest addition is JWMDesk, and using it has lead to the fonts discussion.
Here is a post by radky:
This is excellent. I have put this new script, 'fontwizard' into the PET, and updated the version from 0.0.1-1 to 0.0.2 (2KB):
pEqualizer fixed, maybe
July 24, 2017 —
pEqualizer is a GUI equalizer created by 01micko and zigbert, that can run standalone and is also used by Pmusic.
Forum thread:
Quirky 8.2 has version 0.9.0, which we have found to be broken:
I searched online and found pequalizer-1.0.0.pet, which has a bugfix so it will work in Slacko. However, still broken for Debian/Ubuntu.
I have fixed pEqualizer and bumped the version to 1.0.1 (5KB):
Note to users of Quirky 8.2, you will need to install 'caps' and 'libasound2-plugin-equal' DEBs from the Package Manager.
I am still not sure if it is working, there may be a problem with using the utility 'amixer', that pEqualizer calls.
Sound and keyboard buglets
July 24, 2017 —
Forum member Philb has been testing Quirky 8.2 and reported some little bugs.
For a frugal installation, audio level settings were not being preserved over a reboot. Fixed.
At first bootup, if a non-US keyboard is chosen in the main window of QuickSetup, it is followed by XkdConfigManager, which is to fine-tune keyboard layout localization.
There was a "Please wait" popup on top of the latter window. Fixed.
There were also a couple of missing icons on buttons in XkbConfigManager, also fixed.
Quirky Installer improved
July 23, 2017 —
The Quirky Installer, which is launched via the "install" icon on the desktop, or in the menu Setup --> Quirky Universal Installer, has a couple of limitations in Quirky 8.2.
One of the Quirky testers complained that he had to download the ISO file a second time, to do an installation to a partition.
I don't know why, as he would have downloaded it to burn the live-CD -- presume he must have deleted it after that.
Anyway, I have taken it onboard to fix...
Installing to a drive or partition, it requires the downloaded ISO, from which to extract the files. The frugal install, on the otherhand, allows a choice of ISO, CD, or a folder (with vmlinuz, q.sfs and initrd.q).
I have enhanced install to drive or partition to also have this flexibility.
Another tester complained that installation is very slow. Yeah, even with my i5 CPU, a frugal install is painfully slow. A "Please wait..." message displays, and you have to wait, and wait.
The install script opens up q.sfs, using 'unsquashfs', modifies it, then creates a new q.sfs in the target location. The script has a 'sync' operation after running 'unsquashfs' and this is the holdup. q.sfs is about 400MB, xz compressed, and expands to about 3 times that, which the 'sync' flushes to the drive. I am surprised how slow that is. Um, but I am doing the work on an external USB drive.
Anyway, I have greatly speeded up the script by not having 'sync', instead just a 'fsync' on the target q.sfs. But then, my PC has 16GB of RAM, so a big advantage not syncing.
All of this work is happening in /usr/local/install_quirky
pmcputemp CPU temperature monitor
July 21, 2017 —
There hasn't been a temperature monitor in the tray in Quirky for a long time, however, I notice that a couple of testers of 8.2 have installed pmcputemp.
pmcputemp is created by 01micko (Michael), who is also the guy behind the Slacko Puppy Linux releases. 01micko is also one of the main guys who setup, and continues to maintain, woof-CE, the community-based build system for Puppy Linux.
Here is forum discussion of pmcputemp:
The latest source is here:
I have compiled it in Quirky Xerus 8.2 and created a PET. This will be in the next release of Quirky.
My desktop midi-tower runs so cool. The thing has fans all over it. It is a PC that I bought secondhand earlier this year, and it continues to run well.
pmcputemp was reading around 22 degrees C, so I watched NASA live-feed from space, at 720p -- very nice -- and the temperature crept up a bit, peaked at 35 degrees.
The NASA feed:
woofQ tarball uploaded
July 20, 2017 —
For anyone who wants it, this is a tarball of woofQ, as used to
build Quirky Xerus x86_64 version 8.2 final.
Download (47M):
It will expand to folder 'woof-project' and at woof-project/quirky/ there is a README file, also another useful README inside woof-project/quirky/woof-code.
Note, I maintain woofQ online as a "bones" minimalistic VCS, see explanation here:
Quirky Xerus64 8.2 final
July 19, 2017 —
This is it, the final official version 8.2 release of Quirky Linux
Xerus series. This is for PCs with x86_64 (64-bit) CPUs.
Announcement blurb and release notes are here:
There is a beautiful new theme:

There is a choice to download, either a live-CD ISO file, or an image file for 8GB or greater USB Flash stick. Install instructions:
Primary download site:
Fast mirror:
To turn Quirky into a complete compiler environment, install just one PET package (334M):
Also, kernel patched source is available as a PET (146M):
To patch and compile the kernel:
http://barryk.org/sources/kernel-4.11.9-aufs/, and
U#se#r: p#up#py P#as#sw#or#d: l#in#ux
Forum thread for feedback:
Please note that I have not provided a Service Pack to upgrade from Xerus 8.1.6, as I want to examine some possible issues with the mechanism. I do expect though, upgrade to 8.2.1 will be by a simple Service Pack PET package.