Considering uGFX
I posted about a first hands-on with LittlevGL:
In an earlier post, there is a list of contenders for creating GUI apps that will run on the Linux framebuffer: that post, I mentioned µGFX. Yeah, looks good. The intention now, is to have a hands-on with µGFX.
µGFX is commercial, open-source, free for personal and educational
use. I am OK with that. In fact, this kind of model might be more likely
to stick around into the future (unless the company gets bought by
Microsoft, and then dies -- that's a joke!). Also likely to be more
sophisticated and polished that a totally freebie product.
There is Quirky Xerus 8.6, built with Ubuntu DEBs, and that does have
32-bit libs available, however, I am moving away from that, in future
will likely focus on the Pyro series.
Does it matter that executables are 32-bit? Actually, no, as my
planned usage is to create static executables, and they will work on
both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, no shared libraries required. In which
case, there is an advantage to building 32-bit executables.
The easiest platform (for me) on which to evaluate µGFX will be a
i686 build of EasyOS, Pyro series. Compiling it right now. Might even
release it, for those who still need a 32-bit x86 distro.
Another preliminary impression of µGFX is of it's maturity and
capability -- the new beta 0.2 of µGFX-Studio is written using µGFX
libraries. It is a drag-and-drop GUI designer. This uses SDL2 and will
run on the desktop. Here is a forum thread:
A comment about SDL2: it uses OpenGL for rendering, cannot use the Linux framebuffer. SDL1 can use the framebuffer. Unfortunate!
There is an active user community:
The online documentation looks good:
Project homepage:
Looks good, keen to try it!
Tags: linux