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iPhone "bendgate" saga

October 02, 2014 — BarryK
I have been following this closely. I was wondering how Apple is handling this in the background, in "damage control" mode.

Here is one answer:

I expected this. Media outlets that are dependent on Apple in some way, either with a pro-Apple stance or in receipt of advertising, or other favours from Apple, I would expect to give very muted coverage of #bendgate, even no coverage.

In the meantime, Apple will be frantically redesigning the case, but not after millions have been produced.
Also, I expect that some Apple employees will find their careers at Apple come to a sudden end, as scapegoats are sought.

A Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was also tested in the video -- it is interesting because the Note 3 is all-plastic, whereas the Note 4 has a metal rim -- meaning that the Note 4 might not "spring back" quite so well -- which will be funny, as Samsung have finally bowed to consumer pressure for a metal phone, partly anyway, when it might turn out that technically plastic is a better material to use.

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