2TB USB3 hard drive
November 15, 2015 —
I have a nifty little 1TB USB3 drive that I purchased, um, how long ago? Ah, January 2014:
Unfortunately, for sometime now it has been chock-full, also the drive on my laptop, I have been resorting to deleting stuff, which I don't like to do.
Decided it is time to invest in another external drive. I saw this for sale, 2TB USB3, AU$108 on sale:

Product PDF:
Works great!
Ah, the same problem that I reported back in January 2014.I have formatted the new drive to ext4 partitions, however when mounted, the activity light on the drive flashes continuously.
Back then, I just reformatted as ext3, which solved the problem. This time however, I investigated further, and found the solution:
So, I have formatted like this:
# mkfs.ext4 -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0 -L extern1 -m 0 /dev/sdb1
It takes awhile to format, but it works, the activity light no longer flashes continuously.
Tags: general