Alcohol stoves for camping
June 06, 2016 —
I posted a couple of days ago about a simple recipe for the trail, "peas and mash", using my Alocs alcohol stove:
Here in Australia, we use methylated spirits, readily available everywhere, though in some towns in northern Australia it is kept behind the counter, as there are those who drink it.
I bought my Alocs stove a couple of years ago, from Deal Extreme:
In its favour, are the simmer-ring (that leaver sticking out) for adjusting the flame down, a screw-on lid with rubber gasket so as to keep left-over fuel, and the stand-cum-wind-shield.
The arguments against it are the wind-shield is not really enough, another is really required, and it is a tad heavy, at 143gm.
I have ordered two more stoves, both due to arrive very soon.
One of these is the Vargo Triad, all titanium, weighing only 28gm. Home:

The main arguments in favour of this stove are the extreme light weight and strength. Against it, it needs a separate wind shield, and there is no means to reduce the flame.
That last one is significant for me -- when I am cooking something, I want to reduce to a simmer after bringing it to a boil. If you want to keep a furious boil going, wasting fuel and possibly burning the pot and food, that's what you will get without a simmer-ring.
Many hikers accept this limitation and work around it.
I bought my Triad from They ship to Australia.
Last, and this is the one that most excites me, is the Packafeather XL stove. Home:

It weighs only 45gm, and has the neatest flame control of all -- a little knob on the end of a cable.
It does require a separate wind shield, ditto for the two other stoves. I have some thin aluminium for that.
There does seem to be a lot of points in favour of the XL, and I can't, without having actually used it, think of anything against it. All reviews have been positive.
Anyway, the XL should be here in a day or two, and I will post a review, along with another of my culinary creations.
Tags: light