gtk stock icons missing
Working on 01micko's Simple Samba Management and my QuickSamba scripts, I noticed that gtk stock icons are not displaying.
Then I tried Dropbox GUI file manager, created by mikeb:
...however, none of the icons in the buttons display.
Dropbox GUI is great, it is good to see mikeb active on the Puppy Forum again.
Forum member SFR has created a patch for the gtk+ source, to restore the traditional icons:
...this patch still works on the latest gtk+, 2.24.31, so I plan to
recompile it in OpenEmbedded and see if that fixes the problem.
That patch did not fix anything. The solution was elsewhere. Dropbox-GUI is using code for gtkdialog like icon="gtk-network", which triggered a memory. Changing it to stock="gtk-network" fixed it.
However, icon-name="gtk-network" in the window tag is broken. Replacing icon-name with stock, icon, or stock-id
does not fix it. It actually has to be an icon in
/usr/share/icons/hicolor. So, I created
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/gtk-network.xpm (symlink to
/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons/pc-2x.xpm, to save space). Now it works.
Note that stock="gtk-network" elsewhere in the gtkdialog xml code uses the gtk inbuilt icon, not the new one that I have created,