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EasyOS Daedalus-series 6.3.93 (6.4RC) released

October 21, 2024 — BarryK

Fantastic, we are fixing bugs! See previous announcements:


Feedback welcome:

I'm very grateful to you guys for testing and finding bugs. Are we there yet? Maybe 6.4 is almost ready to go.   

Tags: easy

Mime handling fix for KDE apps

October 20, 2024 — BarryK

This fix is going to apply to more than KDE apps; any app that reads /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list to determine file associations. For example, a .doc file should be opened in LibreOffice.

This issue came up in discussion of Dolphin file manager on the forum:

I have focussed on file associations for ROX-Filer, which are generated by /usr/bin/build-rox-sendto. This script is run in woofQ when easy.sfs is created, and also when any app that has a .desktop file is installed or removed, or any sfs installed or removed. It creates the associations in /etc/xdg/ -- if you look there, be warned, they are all hidden folders.

SeaMonkey and Firefox, and some other apps, look at /etc/mime.types for file associations, but my understanding is that this is an older mechanism not read by most modern apps.

I discovered that Dolphin, a KDE app, stores file associations in ~/.config/mimeapps.list

A bit of online reading, found the system-wide location, for all users, is /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list

build-rox-sendto now also generates /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list, and it works great. Here right-clicked on a .svg image file in Dolphin:

img1 has chosen mtPaint as the default, that will run if left-click on the .svg file. To change the default, you would have to edit the ~/.config/mimeapps.list file. I presume just copy the one you want as default from /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list, under the "[Default Applications]" heading. It seems that Dolphin can't do this for you.

Here is the change to /usr/bin/build-rox-sendto:

This is a great improvement for running many different apps in Easy.   

Tags: easy

New desktop icon themes

October 20, 2024 — BarryK

Forum member nilsonmorales has created two new desktop icon themes for EasyOS:



I have made these into PETs and uploaded:

You can download them directly, or via PKGget (after updating the database).

Thanks for the contributions!   

Tags: easy

EasyOS Daedalus-series version 6.3.92 (6.4RC)

October 19, 2024 — BarryK

Version 6.3.90 ws released a couple of days ago:

Thanks to the guys who have tested it, lots of bugs identified and fixed.

There was a 6.3.91 release with many fixes and new SolveSpace and Audacious apps builtin. Also some infrastructure for KDE apps. 6.3.92 has more fixes, especially the PKGget package database can now be updated.

PKGget calls /usr/local/petget/0setup to perform a database update, which calls /usr/local/petget/debdb2pupdb, which was failing.

There is a long history here. debdb2pupdb was written in the BaCon language, and that is the one in Daedalus 6.3.91 and earlier. I'm not sure if I recall rightly, but I think that in woof-CE Dima (dimkr) wrote in C. Mid-2022 I was learning the Nim language, and as a learning exercise rewrote debdb2pupdb in Nim. It is here, in the woofQ project:

I don't know why, but with EasyOS I stayed with the BaCon version. Which works fine in Scarthgap, but for some unknown reason is broken in Daedalus. I could probably figure out why, but then remembered the Nim version and gave it a go -- it works.

So, 0setup script has now been modified to call debdb2pupdb-nim if it exists.

In the forum, I posted about two outstanding problems:

The aplay failure is still not fixed. It is so weird, as did fix it, then it became broken again. You can see the problem for yourself:

# aplay /usr/share/audio/

The 'pcm_direct.c' file in the source code calls the glibc 'getgrnam_r' function, and it seems that the "audio: ..." line in /etc/group is too long. I made it shorter and aplay worked. Thinking, good, now fixed, built 6.3.92, but get the same failure, even though the "audio:" line is shorter. Which I cannot understand. No problem in Scarthgap.

Anyway, download from here:

...the update from 6.3.91 is only 2.3MB. Testers welcome!

Here are some old blog posts in 2022 about debdb2pupdb written in Nim:    

Tags: easy

EasyOS Daedalus-series version 6.3.90 (6.4RC)

October 16, 2024 — BarryK

Devuan is a Linux distribution forked from Debian, almost identical except does not use systemd. Debian Bookworm is the current stable release, and Devuan calls it "Daedalus". I posted about building EasyOS with Daedalus packages a couple of days ago:

A bit worried about fracturing my development effort, but decided to go with it. There are now three projects; Easy Scarthgap-series, Quirky Void (QV) and Easy Daedalus-series.

EasyOS version numbering is based on the Easy infrastructure, not what packages are used to build the distribution, so version numbers keep going up, yet changing the packages could result, will result, in new issues.

Download the drive-image file, courtesy of ibiblio:

Thanks to the Netherlands Linux/Unix User Group for mirroring:

And AARNET in Australia (but 6.3.90 not yet there):

If you are new to EasyOS and need help how to write a drive-image file to a USB Flash drive, read this:

Or, you could open up the image file and install direct to the internal drive. See install tutorials here: is very simple if you already have a boot-manager such as GRUB or REFind installed; just need to copy three files to a folder in any ext4 partition, then make an entry in the boot-manager.

Oh yes, the obligatory photo:


After limited testing, looks good, but testers are welcome -- I'm sure you will find issues! Feedback welcome at the forum:

Some usage notes from my limited testing:

I tested samba and it worked, but I left out the 'samba-vfs-module', that I had included in earlier Bookworm testing. I don't know what that package does. Without it, was able to open a folder on another computer over the local network.

The discussion thread on Easy Daedalus started before this release, and I posted about a problem with KDE Dolphin file manager:

...note though, Dolphin works fine OOTB in QV. But then, QV is built from the ground-up using the XBPS package manager.

Devuan uses Debian packages, except where they have had to modify the package not to require systemd. The Devuan package server is and in most cases it forwards a package request to one of the Debian mirrors. However, at certain times the forwarding fails -- it seems becomes overloaded. PKGget will seem to have frozen; in that case, click the "Abort" button and there will be another window offering to retry. It has always worked on the retry. Anyway, most of the time downloading is OK.

Any more issues, let me know!

Will Daedalus-series be a long-term "stayer"? Don't know, depends on user interest and also my level of interest and available time.    

Tags: easy

Playing with Easy Daedalus

October 14, 2024 — BarryK

There are those who loved Easy Buster, EasyOS built with Debian Buster packages. This had access to the enormous Debian repository, which was the main attraction.

Awhile ago, I experimented with Easy Bookworm; however, could not get LibreOffice to start. There were no error messages, just nothing, not aven the splash logo. It was waiting for something, and back then I tried to trace it; found where it was not returning from a function, but couldn't understand what it was waiting for. Online searching did not help.

Devuan Daedalus is the equivalent of Bookworm, except without systemd. Decided to give it another go, except this time build with Daedalus packages.

Note, I did download DevuanPup, created by josejp2424, see forum. Wrote the .iso to a usb stick, booted it and got a black screen.

EasyOS Daedalus-series looks good:


Brief testing, everything is working ...except LibreOffice. Same problem, hangs at startup.

Did a lot more online reading last night, and came up with a reference to apparmor causing startup hanging. Easy Daedalus has the apparmor package installed, to meet some dependency requirements, but the daemon isn't running. Played around a bit with that, then decided to compile LibreOffice, in a running Easy Daedalus.

...and, LibreOffice works.

Too big though, as I built with minimal use of system libraries. Today will have a go at compiling again, and reduce the size.

I did post yesterday about incorporating the Debian repositories into Easy Scarthgap-series; will probably continue to investigate that. However, Easy Daedalus is looking good, so tempted to release it. Will do some more testing first though.    

Tags: easy

APT and DPKG now in EasyOS

October 12, 2024 — BarryK

DPKG is a low-level DEB (.deb) package manager, whereas APT is a high-level manager, that knows about repositories and has automatic dependency resolution. Quoting from here:

APT is at the higher level, taking responsibility for dependency resolution, repository management, and other daily package management related tasks, whereas DPKG is more at the low-level, going ahead to install .deb packages, yet it has finer control but manual handling of dependencies.

DPKG was already compiled in OpenEmbedded, but I only included the 'dpkg-get' utility in EasyOS. Next release of EasyOS will have the full DPKG, and I have compiled APT in OpenEmbedded and that will also be in EasyOS. Also the 'xxhash' dependency.

Why? Well, I'm going to explore a new way to add more packages to EasyOS. The guys on the forum have been installing .deb packages successfully in Easy, so I would like to formalize that a bit, see if can handle dependencies, avoid clashes with the scarthgap packages.

I'm going to explore this new direction, after yesterday struggling with XBPS:

...those problems are a symptom of a combination of per-package updating and rolling-release model. Easy and the pups have SFS file updates, which are "atomic" and avoid the per-package update pitfalls -- which a rolling-release model makes much worse.

...that's my little rant. Moving on, will post about exploring this new direction.   

Tags: easy