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EasyOS Pyro64 version 0.9.1

May 07, 2018 — BarryK

Back from a trip to Brisbane, to visit my daughter and partner. While over there, I continued to work, sporadically, on Easy, mostly container security. Easy Containers now supports Linux Capabilities, as shown in this snapshot of Easy Containers (executable 'easy-containers'):


This snapshot is in the Easy Containers introduction:

Easy 0.9.1 is released, and when you run Easy Containers GUI app, the help buttons scattered around it are a helpful read.

Download version 0.9.1 from here:

If you are new to Easy, I recommend read the blog announcement for version 0.9, which has more details and introductory links:

I did a recompile in OpenEmbedded, the xine and gnome-mpv media players now have more deps, including libbluray. There are a few other tweaks here and there, relative to 0.9.
Oh yeah, a new theme, blue-ish. Not sure if I really like it though. Some new wallpapers.

Feedback is welcome at this thread of the Puppy Forum:

Have fun!

Tags: easy