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Xsane and MAAG for Easy Pyro

May 16, 2018 — BarryK

Easy Pyro 0.9.1 (the latest in the Pyro builds of easyOS), does not have Xsane, a scanner GUI, as I was unable to compile it in OpenEmbedded.

I have now compiled Xsane in a running Pyro 0.9.1 and created PETs. This will be in the next release. If you want it now (348KB):

There's a nice app created by rcrsn51, that I did include in Quirky I think, but has got left out of the Easy Pyro builds: MAAG. This is a GUI app for creating animated GIFs. Forum thread:

I am using version 1.6. I modified rcrsn51's PET, as Pyro does not have 'gcolor2.png'. This will also be in the next release of Pyro. If you want it now (4KB):

Tags: easy