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Easy Beaver 0.9.4 released

September 21, 2018 — BarryK

Easy Beaver 0.9.3 was released just two days ago. It has the 4.18.8 kernel, but there was an advisory of a security issue, so have now upgraded to 4.18.9. It also has 'youtube-dl', a YouTube downloader script, but we found that no longer works -- a new script was made available yesterday and have upgraded. The "desk" icon on the desktop did not work, as the 'xserver-xephyr' DEB package was missing. These fixes were important, hence we have release 0.9.4. 

Easy Beaver 0.9.2 was released in May 2018:

Mostly, I have focused on the "Pyro" series of EasyOS, built with packages compiled entirely from source, using my fork of OpenEmbedded. However, also created some builds using Ubuntu DEBs -- there were some releases based on Ubuntu Xenial Xerus DEBs, and one using Bionic Beaver DEBS (0.9.2).

Have now built EasyOS x86_64 with Bionic Beaver 18.04.1 DEBs, codenamed "Easy Beaver", version 0.9.4. Download from here:

Built with latest woofQ, so from that respect on a par with the Pyro series. Building with Ubuntu DEBs does result in a considerably bigger download file, however, weigh that against compatibility with the Ubuntu DEB respositories.
The kernel is 4.18.9, patched with aufs.

The download is an image that you can write to a USB stick, as described here:

Regarding the Pyro series, this generally sees more activity from me. These are the latest releases:, x86_64, Raspberry Pi3:

0.9.6, x86 32-bit, PC:

0.9.6, x86_64, PC:

Feedback is welcome, hosted on the Puppy Forum:

Tags: easy