pflask, chroot on steroids
Yesterday I posted a list of URLs about low-level grass-roots container creation:
One of those is Pflask, and I am liking it very much. It can be used
as simply as a drop-in replacement for 'chroot', or a lot more. Here is
the project home page:
Man page:
Source code:
The problem for me with containers, is that it is such a complex
topic. It is a full-time job in itself, whereas I just take a look at
Easy Containers (in EasyOS) every now and again. I do need to leaverage
off other work, and 'ghedo' has done a brilliant job. I have been
testing Pflask and am impressed by the simplicity and yet featureful.
Note, there are some patches here, don't know if any of them are useful:
Tags: easy