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pngoverlay utility improved

October 24, 2018 — BarryK

Puppy Forum member Vovchik has created some great little CLI utilities that are used in Puppy Linux and derivatives, including EasyOS.

'pngoverlay' is one of these. The drive partitions that you see on the desktop with little "close box" at top-right, is achieved by merging two images using pngoverlay.
Previously, pngoverlay had a limitation that it had to be in the same folder as the images that it is working on. Vovchik has now removed that limitation. The utility is in source package 'pup-tools-20181024.tar.gz':

Another one is 'picscale', for resizing and converting images. I have recently used this the new 'dir2sfs' utility, to convert images to a standard size, 48x48, and PNG.

picscale source is also at the above link.

Tags: easy