Frugal install tutorial in UEFI computers updated
EasyOS tutorials were originally at, and I am gradually updating them and moving them to their new home.
Recently, the tutorial for frugal install on traditional-BIOS-firmware computers was updated and moved:
Now, install for UEFI-firmware computers (which is all manufactured post-2012) has got the same treatment:
The "take-2" part of the above tutorial, using an SD-card for the
working-partition, will not work with EasyOS 0.9.10. The kernel needs to
have the Realtek USB card reader drivers built-in to the kernel, not as
modules. This will be in the next release, Easy 0.9.11.
The Mele PCG35 Apo can take a M.2 SSD, plus SATA SSD/HDD, internally,
and this would offer another way to install Easy. An extremely easy
way. The chap who runs CNX-Software has done a tear-down of the Mele, to
show how drives can be installed:
Tags: easy