SSS Simple String Substitution
I have posted about non-English translations for the initrd:
The scripts use 'gettext' to translate text strings, which does bring
in some overhead to the initrd, plus complicates the scripts.
A long time ago, I developed "SSS", Simple String Substitution, using
sed expressions, which was integrated into MoManager as "SSS domains".
This is going back into the mists of time. I did a search, found this:
MoManager also has some popup help.
These SSS domains are at /usr/share/sss, which includes /usr/share/sss/initrd_strings. This is a text file with sed expressions for translating files in the initrd.
The SSS mechanism is there, but broken. I can fix it for the initrd.
This means that when you run MoManager, you can enter the sed
translations into file /usr/share/sss/initrd_strings.
Then, when QuickSetup is run and the locale changed, the initrd in
the boot partition will be automatically opened up and the files
As I say, the basic structure is there, just way out of date. The
plan now is to fix SSS and use it for the initrd, instead of gettext.
I would like to thank Gyle and zigbert who contributed translations
for 'easyinitrd.po' -- I can use those strings in the SSS system.
Tags: easy