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Final bug fixes before 2.1.3 release

September 15, 2019 — BarryK

Thanks to Rodney for posting some audio streams:

A couple of the builtin audio streams in PupRadio did not work, "Old Time Radio" and "WBGO Jazz 88". I replaced those with working ones, and bumped the PET to 0.22.

Default Applications Chooser (see Setup menu category) was reported by scsijon to give errors when launched from a terminal. Yes, if you run 'default-chooser' in a terminal, errors will be outputted. This was originally created by sc0ttman and last updated in 2014 by shinobar, version 0.9:

EasyOS has been using version 0.8.9 until now, and Puppy Linux using 0.9.

I discovered three bugs in it: the one that scsijon reported, a shift-out-of-range, a syntax error when executing 'which', and incorrect changing of 'defaultimageeditor'.

I don't know about puppies, but EasyOS has /usr/local/bin/defaultimageeditor a symlink to /usr/local/bin/defaultpaint, and this upsets default-chooser.

I fixed all three and bumped the PET to 0.9.1. Will upload soon. Though, my fixes did introduce a new bug -- the "defaultpaint" drop-down list has "mtpaint" entry twice. Decided I can live with that. 

There are some issues that will be delayed until release-after-next:

EDIT 2019-09-15:
Have added to this list. Numbering them also.

1: The primitive text-mode GUI when you click on the "connect" desktop icon. Want a nice GUI.

2: scsijon reported that if right-click on network tray icon and choose to disconnect from network, it does so, then immediately reconnects.

3: I would like to fix the issue of the optical media tray closing almost immediately after opening. This is on desktop PCs with full-size optical drives -- those in laptops do not have the problem as closing is by manual push.

4: When multiple pages (desktops) are in use, there are some issues, such as windows disappearing. This might be fixed by upgrading to the latest JWM. 

5: Forum member ejazjg reported that if the laptop lid is closed then reopened, the screen remains blank. This will be an issue with the rules for the acpid daemon. It has been reported that if you briefly press the power-button after opening the lid, the screen comes back -- use that as a workaround for now. 

Just so that everyone knows what I plan to work on in the not-to-distant future, might as well document here a few more items that are on my to-list. I write notes on pieces of paper, even scraps of paper, and they are all over the place, and when there is a clean-up some issues that should get fixed, get forgotten. Looking at some of these pieces of paper:

6: Screeny snapshot taker (see Graphic menu) sometimes takes distorted snapshots. This was discussed on the Puppy Forum several months ago, and I think a solution was found, but I wrote a note about it, then forgot about it.

7: On the subject of snapshot-takers, there is also Take A Shot in the menu. Works nice, but defaults to save to '/root'. I need to change that to '/home/media/images'.

8: More recently, I don't like the Crystal font used for the clock in Buster, see bottom-right of screen. The "1" looks too much like a "7". Need another LED style truetype font. 

EDIT 2019-09-16:
Here is another one...

9: Running Easy Pyro, SFSget, the radiobuttons have "easyos/debian/buster" preselected, but it should really be "easyos/oe/pyro". SFSs can be installed from all of the paths, however, the default should be "easyos/oe/pyro" 

Tags: easy