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EasyOS Buster-series version 2.1.6 released

October 09, 2019 — BarryK

Version 2.1.3 was released 3 weeks ago, see the blog announcement:

There are some bug fixes, but the big news is the incorporation of the 'nm-applet' GUI tray applet, for network management. The source is patched so as to integrate with EasyOS. In particular, it can be popped-up by clicking on the "connect" icon on the desktop -- after booting 2.1.6, try it!

Networkmanager is now better integrated, so that the user can switch between the older network management systems, such as SNS and PupDial. The Connection Wizard is still available by right-clicking on the "connect" icon, or in the Setup menu.

Release notes are here:


If you need assistance with installing, read this:

There is a thread in the Puppy Forum for feedback: 

For any interested developers, here is a tarball of woofQ as used to build Easy Pyro 1.2.5 and Buster 2.1.6: 

Have fun!

Tags: easy