Planning simple basin still prototype 2
I posted a test of the simple basin prototype #1 yesterday:
The result was promising, so decided to go ahead and design prototype
#2. A major requirement is that it be as flat as possible, so as to
take up little space when slid into the back of a hatchback car or 4wd
vehicle. In fact, that was one of the main reasons, that and promised
improved efficiency, that I went for the tilted wicking-cloth type of
still. However, I have now learnt that the glass can be very close to
the water, water depth can be mere millimetres, and the glass angle can
be as little a 5 degrees, maybe even lower.
It may be possible to design the still to be only about 100mm (4
inches) thick at the widest end, which would be great. However, might
not quite get that thin. This reference recommends a minimum glass angle
of 10 degrees (scroll to page 445): is unclear whether that 10 degrees figure is for plastic panes.
Water droplets stick to glass better, and perhaps it would still work
for angles less than 10 degrees.
The above reference also recommends water depth of 20-30mm and side and bottom insulation thickness of 20-30mm.
In all of my reading, I keep coming back to silicone as the superior
product. Inert, extreme resistance to corrosion and UV light, and
retaining its flexibility for 10-20 years.
Rather than build the still out of wood, as I have done so far, I am
thinking of using aluminium insect screen mesh, coated with silicone
sealant. This would give me a flat surface that I can bend into shape,
to form the basin and support for the glass. There could be an outer
frame, into which insulation is poured -- maybe polyurethane expanded
foam -- or even silicone mixed with foam bubbles.
Thinking along these lines, I have started testing coating of insect
screen mesh. I bought a roll of aluminium mesh, 1220x2050mm, AU$23:
Also some cheap Parfix brand acetic-cure white silicone sealant, AU$6.68:
I have a plastic spreader, that was used for the early wicking-cloth type prototypes:
I tested spreading on a mesh offcut, with newspaper backing, plastic backing, and hanging vertically in the air:
I then pulled the backings off and hung it up to set.
From this initial test, it looks like two or three coats will be
required. For the final construction, I will probably do two coats of
cheap white silicone, then one coat of black Silastic 732
silicone. In earlier experiments I found that silicone-on-silicone
adheres extremely well, so there will be no adverse issues with doing
multiple coats.
Tags: nomad