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SolveSpace for Easy Pyro take-2

November 29, 2019 — BarryK

I posted about compiling SolveSpace in Easy Pyro 1.2.8:

Version 2.3 was hanging, so I compiled v3-alpha from github, which worked. However, using v2.3 in Easy Buster, and want file compatibility. So, having another go at 2.3.

There have been some commits to the "2.3" branch at github, so I downloaded it:

# git clone --single-branch --branch 2.x --depth 1

Notes on compiling:

requires json-c, gtkmm v2, unifont

# patch -p1 < ../debian/patches/01_RemoveGitHash.patch
# patch -p1 < ../debian/patches/20_use_system_unifont.patch
NO THIS FAILS# patch -p1 < ../debian/patches/30_fix_ftbfs_glibc.patch

extlib/libdxfrw is empty... get it from the debian src pkg.

# mkdir build
# cd build
# make
# new2dir make install

Good, seems to be stable in Pyro, so this will be in the next release of Easy Pyro. If you want the PET now (2.5MB):

The instability that I experienced before is due to the Intel i965 kernel driver. I came across some discussion about this:

Quoting post from 'whitequark':

Maintainer of SolveSpace here. I've been seeing numerous mystifying issues with i965 graphics with SolveSpace, including rendering issues and massive video memory leaks (dozens of MB per frame), all of which are not present with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true; there are no GL errors and no GL object leaks as far as I can tell by calling glGetError() appropriately and analyzing traces with apitrace.

If you experience crashing, you could try running SolveSpace like this in a terminal:

# LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true solvespace

Let me know if that fixes it.

Tags: easy