Convert user-installed apps into containers
The utility GUI Easy Containers is in the Filesystem menu.
It is for creation and management of containers. One thing that it does
is allow any app on the main desktop to be converted to a container.
However, the mechanism is only for inbuilt apps, that is, those in
'easy.sfs'. There have been a couple of requests in the forum to free
this up. Now, Easy Containers allows choice of user-installed apps to be
converted to run in a container.
If you used the PETget package manager, which is the traditional
package manager, known to Puppy Linux users as the "PPM", you can
install apps from whatever package repositories the PPM accesses. In the
case of Easy Buster, that will be the Debian DEB repositories, plus
some PET packages in the 'pet-noarch' and 'pet-buster' repositories.
These packages installed via the PPM are only installed on the main
desktop. Though do note, the PPM works inside the "buster" and "pyro"
containers (complete desktop in a container). If you installed an app to
the main desktop, either via the PPM or you compiled it yourself from
source, or whatever, if you would prefer to run the app in a container,
Easy Containers will now do so, as long as it has a .desktop file in
If you installed a big app via the PPM, after having converted it to
run in a container, you could then uninstall it and its dependencies
from the main desktop.
The modified script is /usr/local/easy_containers/easy-containers,
and a fix was also required for
One usage detail. The .desktop file will have a line in it that looks like this:
Where "solvespace" is an example, the app to be executed. The Exec
line must not have any prefixed path, if it does it will be
Tags: easy