Expanding .rar and .xz files fixed
January 18, 2020 —
In Easy Buster, the 2.x series, if click on a .rar file, nothing
happens. It is supposed to open in Xarchive and the contents be shown in
a window, with the offer to extract any or all files.
The reason for this non-functionality is that /usr/bin/unrar utility
does not exist, only /usr/bin/unrar-nonfree. I have created a symlink,
so it now works.
A bug that has been in Easy and before that Quirky, is click on a .xz
file, a single file, not a tarball, does nothing. It is supposed to
bring up a window asking if want to expand the file. The oversight was
in /etc/xdg/rox.sourceforge.net/MIME-types/application_x-xz, which has
the wrong content, it should be:
#! /bin/sh
exec pupzip "$1"
Tags: easy