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The gotcha got me again

February 13, 2020 — BarryK

I posted yesterday about this gotcha:

I built EasyPup 2.2.10, and at the desktop there was no bluetooth icon in the tray ...sigh.

This is on the same laptop, did get the bluetooth icon for the EasyOS build. The background timing must be different somehow. Then discovered that same "gotcha" in file /usr/local/pup_event/bluetoothhw:

  for aBT in /tmp/pup_event_ipc/bluetoothhw_*
[ "$aBT" == "" ] && continue
[ ! -f $aBT ] && continue #200213
echo -n "${HCIs}" > ${aBT}

...the line shown in green has to be inserted.

Then discovered one other thing in the /etc/rc.d/rc.services_ipc script, have edited this earlier blog post, showing the fix:

OK, ready to release EasyPup 2.2.10, will upload later today.

These little fixes should really also be applied to EasyOS 2.2.10, will probably also re-upload them later today. 

Tags: easy