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EasyOS version 2.2.12 released

March 03, 2020 — BarryK

New releases are coming out frequently -- like the early Puppy days! Version 2.2.11 was released on February 21, 2020:

Read all about what is new in 2.2.12:

Download English, French and German builds:

Read this if you need help with installing:

One extra release-note: I did report in an earlier blog post that had gone back to flsynclient (touchpad manager), as psynclient did not default to saving settings for future bootups. However, I think that psynclient is now fixed, so have kept it.

There are a couple of outstanding issues...

John O. reported (via email) that a wireless HP printer (HP Officejet Pro 6968 AIO) is not recognised. He reports that it works with other recent pups and with Fatdog.
I only have a local USB-connected printer, and it is very difficult to figure out what is wrong when I don't have the hardware. If anyone has a wifi type of printer and wants to tackle this, go for it!

Rameshiyer (forum name) reported being unable to connect to the Internet with static-IP setup, not DHCP. Someone else reported success. So far, discussion on the forum has not resolved this problem. 

Tags: easy