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PPLOG personal blog was broken

March 08, 2020 — BarryK

OscarTalks reported on this, and found a fix. I have added missing perl packages and updated the PET, now '', see post:

PPLOG is a Perl script, and OK as a personal local blog. I wouldn't put it on the web though, as it's security is not very good -- I used to use it, until a scumbag kept spamming it. One of the authors of PPLOG helped me to implement some more security features, but the scumbag had a mission to keep spamming and kept succeeding. Unfortunately, we have such sad individuals in this world.

Also, at the time my site was hosted by Hostgator, and they kept telling me that my blog was using too much server time. I am now with, and have no problem with them, although my site has a lot of traffic and has become very large -- and I only have their cheap shared hosting package.

I now have a static blog (shellCMS), comments not allowed, only a "Contact Me" page.

There are PPLOG blogs on the Internet though, and a google can local them.

The Puppy Linux website used to have a PPLOG blog, now they are using a PHP-based blog, named Bludit:

Bludit home:

To find out more about PPLOG, see here: 

Tags: easy