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New download-only button in PPM

April 05, 2020 — BarryK

Ha ha, this has been such a long time coming! Maybe they already have it in the woof-CE version of the PPM -- it has diverged considerably from the one in WoofQ.

In PETget package manager, also known in Puppy-land as the PPM, when click on a package, a preview window comes up. If the package requires dependencies to be installed, there will be an "Examine dependencies" button, clicking that will bring up a window listing all the deps, and there will be two buttons "Download only" and "Install packages".

That's fine, however, if the package has no missing deps, then the first preview window only has a "Install <package name>" button, there is no "Download only" button. I have now remedied that:


Yay! Only took about 12 years for me to get around to doing that.  The script that was edited is /usr/local/petget/ 

Tags: easy