Change ext4 journal commit interval from 5 to 30
I have been examining why EasyOS has almost continuous writes to
the hard drive, even when "doing nothing" on the desktop, and eliminated
writes by pmcputemp:
The ext4 journal remains as the single biggest contributor. We could
go back to not using a journal, but instead will try some other
solutions to reduce writes. One possibility is to change the commit
interval from the default 5 seconds.
I have modified the 'init' script in the initrd to change it to 30 seconds:
if [ "${WKG_FS}" == "ext4" ];then #200621 change journal commit interval from 5 to 30...
#rw,relatime,data=ordered are the defaults anyway...
mount -t ${WKG_FS} -o commit=30,rw,relatime,data=ordered /dev/$WKG_DEV /mnt/$WKG_DEV
mount -t ${WKG_FS} /dev/${WKG_DEV} /mnt/${WKG_DEV}
That will also result in faster operation, though if there is a crash
then you lose the last 30 seconds of your work. Hmmm, maybe we could
even make that a longer time? Trying this for the next release of
EasyOS, see how it goes.
Tags: easy