wmctrl now in Easy Dunfell
October 21, 2020 —
Forum member "banned" mentioned that the 'wmctrl' utility is in Easy Buster, not in Easy Dunfell.
I have compiled it in OE, and it will be in the next release of EasyOS Dunfell-series.
wmctrl homepage:
Version 1.07 and I got a couple of patches from Debian.
I thought back, why was it included in the Buster-series? In 2016 I
was working on a GUI for the CLI VLC media player, and this is to be
found in /usr/local/SimpleVP. I had forgotten all about it ...I am
sometimes surprised to find stuff that I did years ago, that I have no
or little recollection of.
Anyway, 'wmctrl' is used in /usr/local/SimpleVP/simplevp, and is mentioned in /usr/local/SimpleVP/docs/simplevp.htm
Tags: easy