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EasyPup 2.4.91 released

November 13, 2020 — BarryK

Version 2.4.91 is a Release Candidate for 2.5, or a beta if serious bug are found!

The previous release was 2.3.3, on July 15, 2020:

Here are some release notes for 2.4.91:

  1. Built with Debian Buster 10.6 DEBs.
  2. Bug fixes and improvements to BluePup
  3. 4.19.157 kernel
  4. Various infrastructure fixes.

SeaMonkey is still 2.53.3, I intend to update to 2.53.5 as soon as it is released, and that might determine release date for EasyPup 2.5.

Forum member 'banned' reported an issue with the 'pmcputemp', the CPU temperature monitor in the tray. I intend to look into that before 2.5.

When you boot 2.4.91, don't use a previous save-file, if there is one. Treat it as a new pristine bootup. Don't want any old stuff messing up testing of this version. There will be a question at bootup, if EasyPup finds previous save-files, and you can decline to use any of them.

Download from here: will also find the "devx" SFS there, if you want it. There is an icon on the desktop, "sfsget", for downloading and installing SFS files, but I didn't put the "devx" SFS in there. For 2.5, the "devx" will be accessible via the "sfsget" icon.

If you are unfamiliar with EasyPup, here is an introduction:

As I have said many times, I don't give much attention to EasyPup. Most of my attention is given to EasyOS. However, EasyPup does seem to be usable and those who want to stay with a "classical Puppy" have made nice comments about it.

To me, it is kind of quaint working with optical media again. I booted 2.4.91 from a CD-R, and copying the 'puppy.sfs' file to RAM took about 3 minutes -- the same thing booting from my SanDisk Ultra USB stick takes 9 seconds. However, when you save the session to a save-file, 'puppy.sfs' is also saved to the hard drive, so subsequent bootups are much faster.

Feedback is welcome here:

I also intend to start a discussion thread on the Puppy Forum: 

Have fun! 

Tags: easy