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Busybox timeout commandline change breaks scripts

December 05, 2020 — BarryK

Forum member 'rooftop' reported that the 'timeout' executable does not accept the "-t <seconds>" on the commandline:

I checked Busybox in the EasyOS 2.5.1:

# timeout --help
BusyBox v1.32.0 (2020-07-17 22:02:53 AWST) multi-call binary.

Usage: timeout [-s SIG] SECS PROG ARGS

Runs PROG. Sends SIG to it if it is not gone in SECS seconds.
Default SIG: TERM.

Hmmm, ok, found an older version of Busybox:

# ./busybox timeout --help
BusyBox v1.21.0 (2013-02-17 15:42:16 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: timeout [-t SECS] [-s SIG] PROG ARGS

Runs PROG. Sends SIG to it if it is not gone in SECS seconds.
Defaults: SECS: 10, SIG: TERM.

The busybox developers have changed it to conform with the 'timeout' utility in 'coreutils' package:

I fixed these scripts:

'rooftop', thanks for finding that! 

Tags: easy