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Mime database fixes

December 21, 2020 — BarryK

The mime database relates a file to the appropriate handler. For example, click on a .pet package will run the package installer, and also show appropriate applications in the right-click menu. Or, click on a .png and it will open in the default image viewer, and the right-click menu will offer to open it in mtPaint, Gimp, etc.

The database resides at /usr/share/mime, and there is a binary executable 'update-mime-database', that can be run if ever required to update the database. The problem with Easy is that executable is in the devx SFS, so if you install a package that might require the database to be updated, which might be actioned in the package's install script, then it won't happen unless the devx is loaded.

This goes back to the early days of Puppy, when we were trying to move every little unneeded byte out of the main "puppy.sfs". Such extreme frugality is no longer required, so now 'update-mime-database' is in the main filesystem, devx not needed.

There was also a problem with Easy Dunfell-series, some files did not have correct mime-type. For example, .img files. It seems that this problem comes from the Dunfell build having a much later 'shared-mime-info' package than that in the host system (using Easy Buster as the host system, running woofQ to build Easy Dunfell). I think that one is solved. 

Tags: easy