Zarfy fixed in OE
Zarfy is a GUI for libxrandr, in particular for handling multiple
monitors. Easy Buster has version 0.1.0, which works, however, Easy
Dunfell has version 0.1.1, which is broken. In 0.1.1, the "-l" option,
to load a configuration file, doesn't work.
Version 0.1.1 is not an official release, it is a fork of of the
"official" project. The official zarfy is 0.1.0 and this is the project
The fork is here:
Installation is broken in both of them, and in OE I had to resort to a
manual install. Slackware has two patches to supposedly fix the
makefiles, so that installation uses the $DESTDIR variable, so I used
them in OE, but it does not work -- some files still got installed to
the host system.
james (jamesbond in the forums) is maintaining his own fork of Zarfy:
I have redone the recipe in OE, based on the 0.1.0 version, with the
slackware patches and I resolved Jame's patches down to just two. The
latest recipe is in the "20201229" OE tarball:
The recipe is still doing a manual install. This is file meta-quirky/recipes-quirky/zarfy/
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
SRC_URI = "${PV}/zarfy-${PV}.tar.gz \
file://010-fix-makefiles-install.patch \
file://020-increase-maxctrc.patch \
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "34e6356c0adf8026fb8dcebaade2b4f8"
SRC_URI[sha1sum] = "c09bc65d035f9cbe3a74dd886bea9e915e97cb29"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5e79bfa9f2abbe161b016530ede3fbaf90d9f3810a3da05a6b1dd991d7276b40"
SRC_URI[sha384sum] = "0b614a2a2780c01a3049dc4caec9c387cb08445c4a2ff77899d7229f66dfd498feb303be3340bdacc0df9b5195271ad0"
SRC_URI[sha512sum] = "8fd99440874714bcc5f8a8260049040ac6347c33bf9d27587bf4ef5a3d84ee5d05851ddfee240921867135605dd7dd606a109c2ae7f04aa804e91596956e8d35"
DEPENDS = "gtk+ libx11 gdk-pixbuf libglade libxrandr libxml2"
inherit pkgconfig autotools gettext
do_configure_prepend() {
touch README
do_compile_prepend() {
sed -i -e 's%lXrandr%lXrandr -lX11 -lm%' ${B}/src/Makefile
sed -i -e 's%lXrandr%lXrandr -lX11 -lm%' ${B}/Makefile
#stuff is getting installed to the host system! (despite the slackware patch)...
do_install() {
#oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
install -d ${D}/usr/bin
install -m755 ${B}/src/zarfy ${D}/usr/bin/
install -d ${D}/usr/share/zarfy
install -m644 ${S}/data/dvi.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/lcd.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/monitor_d.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/monitor.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/monitor_s.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/tv.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/vga.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/ ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
install -m644 ${S}/data/zarfy.png ${D}/usr/share/zarfy/
SUMMARY = "A gui to libxrandr. Presents a visual representation of displays"
Tested it, the "-l" option now works.
Zarfy can be used to change the screen resolution, however that is
not the best way to do it, as it will happen after the desktop has
started. So, you get the desktop, then it goes black and then the
desktop reappears at the new resolution -- and some icons may be either
off the screen or in a wrong place on the screen.
If you just want to change the resolution, it is better to use
QuickSetup (in the Setup menu category). Or, in a terminal, type
"xrandrshell", which will run just the video part of Quicksetup.
Actually, xrandrshell can also be launched via the menu "Setup ->
Xorg Video Wizard -> Resolution changer".
What QuickSetup/xrandrshell will do, is modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so
the desired resolution is specified before X starts. So you won't get
the flicker after the desktop is started, and the icons will all be in
the right places.
Tags: easy