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Fix for 2createpackages in woofQ

January 20, 2021 — BarryK

WoofQ is the build system for EasyOS. It has scripts '0setup', '1download', '2createpackages' and '3buildeasydistro', that are run in that order. The script '2createpackages' splits each input package into _EXE, _DEV, _DOC and _NLS components.

Recently, when compiling LibreOffice in EasyOS on the Pi4, the configure step reported that the system boost libraries cannot be used, as some header files were missing. So, I had to use the internal boost, which does make the final LibreOffice PET bigger than it could have been.

Today, found the culprit. '2createpackages' places files with path "*/locale/*", with some conditions, into _NLS. However, boost has header files in usr/include/boost/locale, and '2createpackages' was placing these into _NLS, whereas they should go into _EXE. Fixed. 

Every now and again, tweak something in woofQ and usually don't report it to the blog. '2createpackages' for example, previously had a small fix on 2020-04-02. 

Tags: easy