OpenEmbedded Dunfell aarch64 rebuild
I posted yesterday about an updated OpenEmbedded Dunfell x86_64 build:
This evening doing the same for aarch64. This is generic aarch64, not
optimised for any particular board (such as the RPi) or SoC.
There are 774 packages, less than for the x86_64 build. There are a
few that I had previously removed from the list because compile failed,
but most of the reduction is packages that are not appropriate for an
ARM board. Here is the list:
acl | acpid | adbfs | adwaita-icon-theme | alsa-lib | alsa-plugins | alsa-state | alsa-topology-conf | alsa-ucm-conf | alsa-utils |
android-tools | android-tools-conf | appstream-glib | apr | apr-util | apt | apulse | arp-scan | aspell | atk |
atkmm | at-spi2-atk | at-spi2-core | attr | audacious | audacious-plugins | aufs-util | aumix | autoconf | autoconf-archive |
automake | babl | bacon | bacon-hug | bacon-hug-imports | base-files | base-passwd | bash | bash-completion | bbc-provided |
bbe | bc | bcrypt | bdftopcf | bdwgc | binutils | bison | blueman | bluepup-tray | bluez5 |
bluez-alsa | bluez-tools | boost | brlaser | busybox | busybox-static | bzip2 | ca-certificates | cairo | cairomm |
ccache | ccrypt | cddetect | cddetect-quick | cdrkit | celluloid | cgtkcalc | chrpath | cifs-utils | cmake |
core-image-minimal | coreutils | cpio | cppunit | cryptodev-linux | ctorrent | cups | cups-filters | curl | curlftpfs |
db | dbus | dbus-glib | debianutils | desktop-file-utils | dhcpcd | dia | dialog | didiwiki | diffstat |
diffutils | disktype | dmidecode | dnsmasq | docbook-xml-dtd4 | docbook-xsl-stylesheets | dosfstools | double-conversion | dpkg | dtc |
dvdauthor | dvd-close | dvd+rw-tools | e2fsprogs | ed | elfutils | ell | empty | enca | enchant2 |
encodings | epiphany | ethtool | eudev | evince | exfat-utils | exiv2 | expat | expect | f2fs-tools |
faac | faad2 | ffmpeg | file | findutils | flac | flex | flsynclient | fltk | fluidsynth |
fontconfig | font-util | formfactor | fpm2 | freememapplet-tray | freetype | fribidi | fuse | fuse-exfat | galculator |
gawk | gcab | gcc | gccmakedep | gcc-runtime | gcc-sanitizers | gcc-source-9.3.0 | gcolorsel | gconf | gcr |
gdb | gdbm | gdk-pixbuf | gdl | gdmap | geany | geany-plugins | gegl | gettext | gexiv2 |
gfnrename | gfontsel | gftp | ghostscript | gif2lss | giflib | gifsicle | gimp | git | glade |
glew | glib-2.0 | glibc | glibc-locale | glibmm | glib-networking | glipper-lite | glm | gmeasures | gmp |
gnet | gnome-bluetooth | gnome-desktop3 | gnome-doc-utils-stub | gnome-keyring | gnome-menus | gnome-themes-standard | gnu-config | gnu-efi | gnupg |
gnutls | gobject-introspection | gpart | gparted | gperf | gpgme | gphoto2 | gphotofs | gpicview | gpptp |
gptfdisk | graphite2 | grep | grisbi | groff | gsettings-desktop-schemas | gsl | gspell | gstreamer1.0 | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad |
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base | gtk+ | gtk+3 | gtk-chtheme | gtkdialog | gtkhash | gtklp | gtkmm3 | gtksourceview2 | gview |
gwhere | gxmessage | gzip | hardinfo | harfbuzz | hdparm | help2man | helpsurfer | hiawatha | hicolor-icon-theme |
homebank | hostname | hotplug2stdout | hplip | hunspell | hunspell-dictionaries | hyphen | iceauth | icu | ifplugd |
ifplugd-old | ijs | imake | init-ifupdown | initscripts | inkscape | inotify-tools | installwatch | intltool | iotop |
iproute2 | iptables | iso-codes | isomaster | itstool | iw | jansson | jasper | jimtcl | json-c |
json-glib | jwm | kbd | kmod | ktsuss | lame | lcms | leafpad | lemon | less |
liba52 | libabw | libaio | libao | libarchive | libart-lgpl | libass | libassuan | libatomic-ops | libavc1394 |
libbluray | libbsd | libcanberra | libcap | libcap-ng | libcddb | libcdio | libcdio-paranoia | libcdr | libcec |
libcgi-perl | libcmis | libcroco | libdaemon | libdazzle | libdbd-mysql-perl | libdbi-perl | libdc1394 | libdigest-sha1-perl | libdmx |
libdrm | libdvdcss | libdvdnav | libdvdread | libebml | libe-book | libedit | libepoxy | liberation-fonts | libetonyek |
libevdev | libevent | libexif | libexif-gtk | libexttextcat | libffi | libfontenc | libfreehand | libgcc | libgcrypt |
libgd | libgee | libgit2 | libglade | libgltf | libglu | libgnomecanvas | libgnomekbd | libgpg-error | libgphoto2 |
libgsf | libgtkhtml | libgudev | libhtml-parser-perl | libhtml-tagset-perl | libical | libice | libid3tag | libidn | libidn2 |
libjitterentropy | libjpeg-turbo | libksba | liblangtag | liblocale-gettext-perl | libmaa | libmad | libmbim | libmikmod | libmime-charset-perl |
libmng | libmnl | libmodplug | libmpc | libmspub | libmtp | libmwaw | libmypaint | libndp | libnewt |
libnl | libnotify | libnsl2 | libodfgen | libofx | libogg | libopus | libpagemaker | libpcap | libpciaccess |
libpcre | libpipeline | libpng | libpng12 | libproxy | libpsl | libpthread-stubs | libqmi | libraw1394 | libreoffice |
librevenge | librsvg | libsamplerate0 | libsdl | libsdl2 | libsdl-image | libsdl-mixer | libsdl-ttf | libseccomp | libsecret |
libsigc++-2.0 | libsm | libsndfile1 | libsombok3 | libsoup-2.4 | libssh2 | libsystem | libtalloc | libtasn1 | libtdb |
libterm-readkey-perl | libtevent | libtext-charwidth-perl | libtext-wrapi18n-perl | libtheora | libtirpc | libtommath | libtool | libtorrent | libtubo |
libunicode-linebreak-perl | libunistring | liburi-perl | libusb1 | libusb-compat | libva | libvdpau | libvdpau-va-gl | libvisio | libvorbis |
libvpx | libwebp | libwpd | libwpg | libwps | libx11 | libxau | libxaw | libxcb | libxcomposite |
libxcrypt | libxcursor | libxdamage | libxdmcp | libxext | libxfixes | libxfont | libxfont2 | libxft | libxi |
libxinerama | libxkbcommon | libxkbfile | libxklavier | libxml2 | libxml-namespacesupport-perl | libxml-parser-perl | libxml-sax-base-perl | libxml-sax-perl | libxml-simple-perl |
libxmu | libxpm | libxrandr | libxrender | libxscrnsaver | libxshmfence | libxslt | libxt | libxtst | libxv |
libxvmc | libxxf86vm | libyaml | linux-libc-headers | linux-stable | live555 | lockdev | lpsolve | lrzsz | lua |
lz4 | lzo | m4 | make | makedepend | man-db | mariadb | mdds-1.2 | mdds-1.5 | mdview |
memtester | mesa | mesa-demos | meson | metamail | mhwaveedit | mingetty | minicom | minixcal | mirdir |
mkfontscale | mm-common | mobile-broadband-provider-info | modemmanager | modem-stats | modutils-initscripts | mped | mpeg2dec | mpfr | mpg123 |
mpscan | mpv | mtdev | mtools | mtpaint | mtr | mypaint-brushes-1.0 | mythes | nasm | nbtscan |
ncurses | ne10 | nenscript | neon | netbase | netcat | netpbm | nettle | networkmanager | network-manager-applet |
network-tray | ninja | nmap | normalize | notecase | notification-daemon | npth | nspr | nss | ntfs-3g-ntfsprogs |
ntp | numlockx | obexfs | obexftp | ofono | opencore-amr | openjpeg | openldap | openobex | opensp |
openssh | openssl | opkg-utils | orc | osmo | p11-kit | p8platform | pango | pangomm | parted |
patch | patchutils | pciutils | peasyscale-exec | peasyscan-exec | pekwm | perl | pflask | php | picscale |
pidgin | pinentry | pixman | pkgconfig | planner | pmcputemp | pm-utils | pngoverlay-cairo | pnmixer | pnscan |
po4a | pointercal-xinput | polkit105 | poppler | poppler-data | popt | potrace | powerapplet-tray | ppp | pps-tools |
pptp-linux | procps | psmisc | puppyinputdetect | puppyserialdetect | pup-tools | pure-ftpd | python3 | python3-dbus | python3-lxml |
python3-pip | python3-prctl | python3-pycairo | python3-pygobject | python3-setuptools | qemu | qpdf | quilt | quota | raptor2 |
rasqal | re2c | read-edid | readline | redland | refind | restarter | retrovol | rgb | rman |
rng-tools | rox-filer | rpcbind | rpcsvc-proto | rpm | rp-pppoe | rsync | rtorrent | rubix | run-postinsts |
rxvt-unicode | sakura | samba | sane-backends | sbc | scale2x | schroedinger | scons | sed | serf |
setcolortemperature | setserial | setvol | setxkbmap | sgml-common | shadow | shadow-securetty | shadow-sysroot | shared-mime-info | slang |
smbnetfs | socat | solvespace | speex | speexdsp | sqlite3 | squashfs-tools | sshfs-fuse | ssh-gui | sshpass |
startup-notification | stat | streamripper | subversion | sudo | sysfsutils | sysvinit | sysvinit-inittab | taglib | tar |
tcl | tcp-wrappers | texinfo | tiff | tigervnc | tk | tremor | tzdata | ufiformat | uget |
unclutter | unrar | unzip | update-rc.d | usb-modeswitch | usb-modeswitch-data | usbutils | usbview | util-linux | util-macros |
v4l-utils | vala | valgrind | vamps | vcdimager | vigra | vim | vlc | vobcopy | vorbis-tools |
vte | wavpack | wavplay | webkitgtk | wget | whois | wmctrl | wpa-supplicant | wvdial | wvstreams |
x264 | x265 | xarchive | xauth | xbitmaps | xcalc | xcb-proto | xcb-util | xcb-util-image | xcb-util-keysyms |
xcb-util-renderutil | xcb-util-wm | xclip | xclipboard | xconsole | xcur2png | xcursorgen | xdelta3 | xdg-puppy | xdg-utils |
xdialog | xdotool | xdpyinfo | xev | xf86-input-evdev | xf86-input-keyboard | xf86-input-mouse | xf86-input-synaptics | xf86-input-wacom | xf86-video-fbdev |
xfdiff-cut | xfontsel | xgamma | xhost | xine-lib | xinit | xinput | xinput-calibrator | xkbcomp | xkeyboard-config |
xload | xlockmore | xmessage | xmlto | xmodmap | xorgproto | xorriso | xprop | xrandr | xrdb |
xserver-nodm-init | xserver-xf86-config | xserver-xorg | xset | xsetmode | xsetroot | xsoldier | xterm | xtrans | xvidcore |
xvidtune | xvinfo | xvkbd | xwd | xwininfo | xz | yad | yaf-splash | yajl | yasm |
zarfy | zip | zlib | zstd |
This time building on a USB3 1TB SSD (Samsung EVO), and have recorded
the start time. The build is running right now, on this computer, and
showing 15% completed -- though I have found that figure to be
inaccurate, an indication only.
Tags: easy