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EasyOS 3.0 released

October 05, 2021 — BarryK

Significant structural changes, hence the version bump. Don't want this to be announced on Distrowatch, as there could be issues. Hope to fix them, if any, for version 3.1. Also want to do a new desktop theme for 3.1.

To find out what has happened since version 2.9, read the release notes:


Feedback welcome at the forum:

Let me know if any issues with using the Chromium SFS. Click "sfsget" to download and install it. Install to the main desktop, not in a container. It will install as user 'chromium' and you will find it's home at /home/chromium and default download folder at /home/chromium/Downloads. There will be an entry in the "Internet" category in the menu.  

Tags: easy