Balsa email client
I have posted recently about retiring SeaMonkey, instead have
separate applications for browsing, HTML editing and email client. The
browser is now Firefox. For now, unless decide to change, the HTML
editor is BlueGriffon, see post:
That leaves an email client. Some of the pups have used Claws or Sylpheed, but I decided to go for Balsa. Balsa home:

I have chosen an older gtk2 version, 2.4.7, as it has configure choices that suit EasyOS. For example:
It integrates with Osmo personal information manager. I haven't tested this, so don't know how it works.
It uses the libgtkhtml v2 library to render HTML emails. This is
great, as libgtkhtml v2 is already in EasyOS, used by helpsurfer local
document viewer, and Osmo.
It has been a very long time since I used an email client app. I
access gmail via the web interface, and keep all my emails online, going
back years. Sometimes this bothers me. I am wondering if should use
Balsa to pop all the emails off and archive them somewhere. In an
encrypted folder -- we already have ext4 folder encryption support, so
that will be easy to do.
All that I have done so far is start Balsa, and confirm that it
doesn't crash at startup. Maybe one of you guys familiar with email pop
and imap could test it. Balsa will be in the next Easy, coming
Tags: easy