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Fixes for samba

December 15, 2021 — BarryK

With help from Alfons, some samba problems were fixed; however, still not working in Easy 3.1.15.

If you click on the "share" icon on the desktop, then click the "Samba" checkbox, then click on the "Samba Setup" button,  there is a "SAMBA OFF" red button -- click that, starts the samba daemon and the button becomes green and text in the button changes to "SAMBA ON".

Alfons then tried a little experiment:

# mkdir /root/test
# mount.cifs //localhost/puppyshare /root/test

It asked for the password, he entered "woofwoof", then there was a message "permission denied".

I found two problems, and have got it working.

Firstly, the permissions on this folder have to be changed from 755 to 700:


...right-click on the 'cores' icon, choose "File properties" and change the permissions checkboxes so only the first row are ticked.

Secondly, I previously posted about bumping the version of package 'cifs-utils', that fixed an earlier bug that Alfons reported.

I compiled the bumped version, 6.14, in OE, but I made one change to the recipe. It was previously configured "--without-libcap" and I changed it to "--with-libcap". It turns out that there is a reason the OE developers disabled libcap -- it breaks cifs-utils.

I am going to fix that in OE, in the meantime you can install this PET:

With those two fixes, click that "SAMBA OFF" button and you should be good-to-go. I tested Alfons's experiment and it mounted. You can just type "mount" in the terminal to see it mounted.  

Tags: easy