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Fix for MoManager in Easy 4.2.2

July 03, 2022 — BarryK

Forum member DenVit reported that MoManager does not start:

Yes, running "momanager" in a terminal, it just hangs.

I found the reason. At line 369, it tries to perform an operation on script 'grub4dosconfig', to fix a syntax error in that script. However, Easy no longer has the 'grub4dos' package, and that causes the 'momanager' script to hang at line 375. This is the fix:

 #check syntax
#local T S E
S="$(which ${T})"
if [ "$S" ];then #20220703 prevent hang if grub4dosconfig missing.
E="export TEXTDOMAIN=${T}" #nothing else valid at this line
grep "^${E}$" ${S} >/dev/null || sed -ie "s/${E}/${E}\n/" ${S} #200707

Grub4dos is too old, cannot handle modern features of ext4. I intend to use Limine in the future, hopefully will develop a Limine installer.

Next up, plan to compile the latest Limine in OE.    

Tags: easy