Synaptic kind-of working on EasyOS Dunfell-series
I reported on integrating the native Puppy-format package database with dpkg and apt:
The Dunfell-series is built with packages compiled from source.
Completely different packages from those in Debian Bullseye. It is
not just Debian's habit of splitting packages up into many smaller
packages; their packages may have been compiled differently, often
with more dependencies. And different versions.
So, a huge mismatch; anyway, have got Synaptic, a GUI for apt, working:
Ha ha, chose to install 'abiword', and Synaptic wants to install 701 packages, upgrade 7, remove 30; total download 480MB. Didn't go ahead.
This sync'ing will be more reasonable, I expect, when build Easy from Debian Bookworm DEB packages.
The new scripts are in /usr/local/debget, and need to do some
more work on them, and at least one more script to
Tags: easy