I left the 'samba' package out of the last few releases of EasyOS, due to size constraint. File 'easy.sfs' just barely fits into the image file. 'easy.sfs' is compressed with lz4-hc, which is a fairly low amount of compression, but reading is very fast. The consequence though, is when started to use lz4-hc, the image file was filled. The 'easy-*.img' download file is 825MB, and I don't want to make it any bigger.
That was why I took out samba, as it didn't fit anymore. To bring it back, something else very big has to go. Easy has both Firefox and SeaMonkey, which is too much of a luxury, one will have to go.
SM is broken on so many web sites, it is no longer usable. Personally, I keep it on due to the HTML editor module, but that could be replace with BlueGriffon, bring the PET packages size down from 52MB to 17MB. However, I recently discovered another possibility...
HTML-NOTEPAD is a simple WYSIWYG HTML editor. It is partly closed-source, but free:
I am using an older version, from May 9, 2020, as later versions cannot load a file from the commandline. I have raised an issue here:
The html-notepad PET is 4.5MB, a considerable reduction from 52MB!
If you would like to try it, here it is: should work on all the x86_64 pups, requires gtk+3.
Tags: easy